The ongoing issues surrounding COVID-19 are having a profound impact on the consumers and citizens we serve, on our members, and the sectors we regulate. Ensuring consumers in vulnerable circumstances receive the support they need is central to the UK Regulators Network and is also a key priority for the FCA, Ofcom, Ofgem and Ofwat in their sectors, now so more than ever.

Today the UKRN has published its response to an earlier call from government for greater consistency of experience for consumers in vulnerable circumstances. This reflects work we did previously with four of our members – the FCA, Ofcom, Ofgem and Ofwat – to identify the support that consumers in vulnerable situations, including those with mental health problems, cognitive impairments and dementia, should receive across regulated markets. It also identifies areas where we believe further collaboration across regulators could improve the experiences of consumers in vulnerable circumstances.

The work that informed our response was completed before March 2020, when the government and regulators began publicising the steps they were and are taking in response to the COVID-19 outbreak.

For information on the support available to vulnerable consumers affected by the current crisis please visit official regulator and government websites: 

FCA: and

Ofcom: and


Ofwat :

