The UKRN is a network group formed of 13 UK regulators


The UKRN brings together regulators from the UK’s utility, financial, transport and housing sectors, for the benefit of consumers and the economy.  We were established by our members in 2014 and have developed strong relationships and a culture of collaboration and learning.  We work together to share knowledge and innovation, explore cross-cutting issues and build better ways of working.

How we work

The UKRN facilitates cooperation and communication across its members in a wide range of ways.

  • We bring together colleagues from member regulators to deliver projects which consider common issues across the sectors we regulate.
  • We liaise with government and external stakeholders to inform and contribute to policy debates and cross-sector issues affecting multiple regulators.
  • We facilitate networks, which foster links across our members and provide expert input into our projects and work areas.
  • We facilitate events and discussions of topical issues with external audiences and in collaboration with partners. In the past, these topics have included consumer policy, investment, innovation, infrastructure and the role of independent regulation.


The UKRN is a member organisation, formed by 13 of the UK’s sectoral regulators.

The strategy of the UKRN is determined by the CEOs Strategy Group, which includes all member regulators. This meets twice a year, in September and March. It is responsible for providing strategic leadership and agreeing the strategic direction of the UKRN.

The forward work programme is determined by the CEOs Sub-Committee, which includes full member regulators only. This meets in June and December and is responsible for realising the strategy, implementing effective decision-making and accountability, including: agreeing and overseeing UKRN projects; considering membership criteria and growth of the UKRN; focusing on common challenges, risks and opportunities relating to monopoly and retail economic regulation; and appointing the UKRN Chair.

The UKRN staff

The UKRN has a small staff seconded from our member regulators. Our current staff members are:

Jonathan Brearley

Attricia Archer
UKRN Director

Agnese Meloni
UKRN Vulnerability Manager

Carey-Ann Jacques
UKRN Manager

Kate Mitchenall
UKRN Manager

Mark Austin
UKRN Manager

Nicole Trinder
UKRN Business Support Manager

Stephen Bass
UKRN Manager and net zero lead

The UKRN Expert Panel

The UKRN Expert panel consists of four independent advisors who hold expertise in different fields. The Expert Panel advises the CEOs groups and also provides feedback and challenge to the project teams. The current Expert Panel members are Cloda Jenkins, Mick McAteer, Helen Undy and Suzanne Rab. Read more here.


Over the past three years we have developed a number of internal networks that foster links across our members and provide input into our projects and work programme. Read more about our networks.