UKRN are once again partnering with WIG (Whitehall Industry Group).  This event looks to discuss the developing picture of consumer debt and the wider influence on economic recover.  We welcome Peter Tutton from the charity StepChange and Kamini Patel from Equifax UK.



The UKRN has submitted its response to the recent BEIS consultation on Competition and Consumer Reform, which closed on 1 October, on behalf of its members. We will continue to engage closely with the developing process.

Jonathan Brearley, UKRN CEO, opened today’s event Reflections on responding to the impact of Covid with his thoughts on being a regulator during the Covid crisis and a call to collaborate effectively through UKRN and think about the future:
“of the 11.3 million people who have experienced a fall in income since the start of the pandemic, we are told 1 in 5 has fallen behind on at least one household bill; most often council tax, utilities or rent. We therefore have a vital role to work with our regulated sectors, as well as with each other, to continue to support consumers throughout the pandemic and deal with the economic and social issues it has created”.
“It is important we reflect on some of the positives we have seen during this period, including the enhanced collaboration and faster decision making we have seen across government, regulators and industry. It is also timely to reflect on what lays ahead of us in our regulated sectors and any enduring changes we might need”
Speaker Louise Beardmore, Customer Service and People Director at United Utilities said “Markets will take time to recover and some may have changed for ever”
The event was attended by UKRN members along with trade associations, consumer bodies and relevant government departments. 

UKRN are pleased to announce Jonathan Brearley, CEO, Ofgem as UKRN CEO. Jonathan has been serving as UKRN CEO on an interim basis since February 2021.

Jonathan has been CEO of Ofgem since February 2020 having previously led Ofgem’s RIIO2 network price control programme and served as a member of the regulator’s governing board.

The UKRN CEO is rotated among the full members and, on their behalf, provides oversight and leadership of the work of the UKRN.

The UK Regulators Network (UKRN) is pleased to announce the appointment of four new members of its Expert Advisory Panel after the terms of the previous incumbents came to an end. UKRN has appointed experts to the Panel reflecting areas of focus for our member organisations including consumer protection, regulatory law and economics, for an initial period of three years in an individual capacity. They are Helen Undy, Suzanne Rab, Mick McAteer and Cloda Jenkins.

Each appointee brings vast experience in their chosen field and we look forward to working with them on UKRN’s future multi-year workplan. You can read more about our new expert panel members here .

UKRN today have announced Jonathan Brearley, CEO of Ofgem, as its interim CEO following Rachel Fletcher’s decision to take up a new role in the energy sector. Rachel Fletcher has been CEO of Ofwat since January 2018 and CEO of UKRN since June 2020. Jonathan Brearley has been CEO of Ofgem since February 2020. The UKRN CEO is rotated among the full members and, on their behalf, provides oversight and leadership of the work of the UKRN.

UKRN is looking for new members for our Expert Panel, who will bring cross-sector perspectives and challenge to our work. This is an exciting non-executive opportunity for approx. 5 days per year. More details can be found in the link below.

To apply please email your CV and covering letter to by close of business on 31st December. We would like to take this opportunity to thank our current Panel members for their commitment and constructive challenge over their terms.

Expert Panel member role description

On Wednesday 23 September  UKRN held a joint webinar with the Global Infrastructure Investor Association (GIIA) on the role of Regulation in the UK. The 90 minute web session featured contributions from UKRN Member Regulators, Investors and Citizens Advice. The panel featured constructive discussion on a variety of challenges facing regulation and investment. Topics covered in the session included;

  • Discussion on the role regulators, regulated companies, consumers and investors have in stimulating new investment in the short term to support economic recovery in the wake of Covid-19.
  • The roles played by various UK regulatory and governmental bodies.
  • How successful regulators have been at pushing companies to find different ways to consult with customers.
  • Where the “pendulum” currently sits between investors and customers and how can the interests of investors and consumers be aligned.
  • How regulators are factoring in a path to Net Zero by 2050 as part of their price control decisions.
  • How consumers can feel the benefits of the increased proliferation of data while ensuring vulnerable consumers are protected.
  • How we can enable greater transparency between regulators and investors.

UKRN would like to thank GIIA for partnering with us and for hosting the event. We would also like to thank the panelists for their participation and those in attendance.

Rachel Fletcher to succeed Jonathan Oxley as CEO of UKRN

UKRN to appoint a Chair from its members

Regulator of Social Housing joins UKRN membership

The UKRN (UK Regulators Network) are delighted to announce that Rachel Fletcher, CEO of Ofwat, will succeed Jonathan Oxley when he stands down from UKRN at the end of June 2020.

The UKRN CEO is rotated among the full members and, on their behalf, provides oversight and leadership of the work of the UKRN.

UKRN members have also decided to appoint a Chair of UKRN, drawn from the full members, to enhance cross-sector collaboration and challenge to the Executive Team. The current Chair of the Chairs’ Network group is willing take this on until his term ends early in 2021.

Jonathan Oxley, Competition Director and recently acting CEO at Ofcom, took up the UKRN role in December 2018.

Jonathan said:

“I am very proud of what we have built at UKRN. Against a challenging political and economic backdrop, and most recently the COVID-19 crisis, we have built strong foundations and collaboration on key issues for consumers. I know Rachel, Attricia and the UKRN team, and the members will continue to work together in support of this and wish them all the best.”

Jonson Cox on behalf of the Chairs of UKRN members said :

“Jonathan has provided strong leadership for the UKRN during a particularly challenging political period. On behalf of all members, I would like to extend our thanks to Jonathan for his contribution to the development of UKRN and the leadership he has provided.”

Rachel Fletcher, CEO of Ofwat and UKRN, said:

“At this time, collaboration between our members on the issues facing the sectors they regulate is more important than ever. The current crisis is likely to have an on-going impact on consumers, companies and public policy in our sectors. In the next year we will increase our focus on identifying the needs of consumers in vulnerable circumstances, and then on investment in critical infrastructure as the economy recovers. We welcome the Regulator of Social Housing, who are active in protecting residents of social housing in both regards, as a member of UKRN. ”

Rachel has been CEO of Ofwat since January 2018, and before that was Senior Partner for Consumers and Competition at Ofgem.

The Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) has also joined UKRN as a full member from June 2020.

The UKRN has today announced that Regulator of Social Housing has joined the network as a full member.

This move will support the diverse expertise of the UKRN. The addition of the Regulator of Social Housing will assist the ongoing work of the UKRN and its members on vulnerability, Net Zero and infrastructure by bringing perspectives and knowledge from the social housing sector.

Jonathan Oxley, CEO of UKRN, said:

“We welcome and look forward to working with the Regulator of Social Housing”

Fiona MacGregor, Chief Executive of the Regulator of Social Housing said:

“We are pleased to be joining the UK Regulators Network and look forward to supporting and learning from the work that the Network and its members do”.

About UKRN

The UK Regulators Network (UKRN) brings together regulators to collaborate to improve outcomes for consumers and the economy. Established in 2014, the network works together to share knowledge, explore cross cutting issues and build better ways of working. Our member regulators cover a wide range of sectors and issues, including transport, energy, water, communications and financial services.

More information on UKRN, its members and its workplan are available at:

The UKRN has published its Annual Report and Workplan for 2020/21 in which we set out what we achieved in the last year, and how we will build on this to improve outcomes for consumers and the economy across the sectors our members regulate.

The workplan is available at:

The UKRN’s member regulators cover a wide range of sectors and services, including transport, water, energy communications and financial services. In 2019-20 we increased our capacity, working with our members on a range of issues across infrastructure investment, data sharing and support for vulnerable consumers. Our Annual Report sets out some of the things we achieved in that year. In 2020/21, we will build on this, with a focus on three priority areas:

  1. Collaboration on infrastructure and investment;
  2. Using data to support consumers in vulnerable circumstances;
  3. Working better together.

Jonathan Oxley, CEO of the UKRN, said:

“The ongoing issues surrounding COVID-19 are, of course, having a profound impact on the consumers and citizens we serve, on our members, and the sectors we regulate. I’m proud that our members are at the centre of the nation’s response to the crisis.

The current crisis is likely to have an on-going impact on consumers, companies and public policy in our sectors. In turn this is likely to change the timing and focus for some of our current projects, as well as necessitating new projects.

We will be keeping our workplan under review and be ready to respond to events. While timescales and details of our work may change, we still expect the priority areas we have identified to remain relevant: firstly, we will continue to focus on vulnerable consumers, working together to understand how best to support them; and secondly, we will focus on ensuring our sectors have the investment they need to sustain and enhance the infrastructure upon which we depend more the ever.

At this time of national crisis, collaboration between our members on the issues facing the sectors they regulate is more important than ever. Their work with each other and through their continued commitment through UKRN makes regulation more efficient, effective and responsive to the needs of consumers, the economy and the country overall.”

For more information on the workplan please contact: or


WIG/UKRN event on COVID-19’s impact on consumer debt, Tuesday 9 November

News: October 12, 2021

UKRN Responds to BEIS Consultation on Competition and Consumer Reform

News: June 17, 2021

Reflections on responding to the impact of Covid: a regulatory perspective

News: March 24, 2021

UKRN announce Jonathan Brearley as CEO

News: February 23, 2021

UKRN announce four new Expert Panel members

News: February 3, 2021

UKRN announce new interim CEO

News: November 12, 2020

Expert Panel appointment opportunity

News: September 25, 2020

UKRN and GIIA joint web event on UK Regulation

News: June 16, 2020

Rachel Fletcher to become UKRN CEO; Regulator of Social Housing joins UKRN membership

News: April 15, 2020

UKRN publishes its Annual Report and Workplan for 2020/21

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