The UKRN publishes Performance Scorecards II

UKRN, with the FCA, Ofcom, Ofgem, Ofwat and CCW, have continued to work together to further develop a set of performance scorecards to measure the customer experience across key sectors. Today’s publication, Moving Forward Together – Scorecards II, brings together these scorecards from all four sectors. Each regulator has once again also published their template, plus links to more detailed analysis, on their websites.

Understanding the experience of consumers across our sectors, especially during this most challenging of years, remains an important aspect of improving consumer outcomes.

Rachel Fletcher, CEO of UKRN, said:

“I am very pleased at the way in which our members have continued to work together, building on their extensive sectoral knowledge to create this shared insight. To be able to share this cross sector information, in one place, for the second year, is testimony to the regulators efforts in recognising the important role they can play. I hope this project is helpful to consumer groups and other interested parties in recognising where consumer needs can be best served.”

Ensuring regulators work together to measure and improve the consumer experience across our sectors also remains a priority for government.

Consumer Minister, Paul Scully said:

I am very grateful to the UK Regulators Network and the regulators for compiling this second edition of performance scorecards.

 Using performance scorecards, consumers can find out which providers are likely to give them the services they need. This enables companies to compete on aspects of service that really matter to their customers.

 I will continue to work with the UK Regulators Network to support them in this work, and I will encourage the further development of making this information available to consumers. I look forward to this and future editions being a valuable aid to consumer decision-making, and to driving healthy competition.

For more information on the scorecards work please contact the UKRN team on
