The UK Regulators Network (UKRN) has today announced that the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has joined the network as a full member.

The move will help UKRN and its members to increase the use and understanding of data to improve consumer outcomes across the sectors its members regulate.

Jonathan Oxley, Chair of UKRN, said:
“We are delighted to be welcoming the ICO as a member. Collaboration is at the heart of the UKRN, and we look forward to working with the ICO to bring the benefits of data to consumers, while ensuring they remain protected.”

James Dipple-Johnstone, Deputy Commissioner of Operations at the ICO said:
“The ICO is delighted to have joined the UKRN. We look forward to working with network colleagues by sharing knowledge and best practice and identifying areas where a collaborative approach will bring benefits for consumers and the economy.
“The ICO’s priority is to work to improve information rights practice and compliance in the UK and our membership of UKRN will allow us to seek out opportunities and encourage strategic thinking with the network to promote learning, consistent guidance and standards.”

The UKRN brings together regulators from the UK’s utility, financial and transport sectors for the benefit of consumers and the economy. Established in 2014, the network works together to share knowledge, explore cross cutting issues and build better ways of working.

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