The UK Regulators Network and the Long-Term Infrastructure Investors Association (LTIIA) held the fourth seminar on UK infrastructure regulation on 10 September 2019.

The half-day event, hosted by Pinsent Masons, brought together delegates representing UK regulators, infrastructure investors, government departments, consumer groups, industry bodies and various other stakeholders.

Jonathan Oxley, CEO, UKRN provided the opening keynote focusing on the investment challenges facing UK infrastructure as well as addressing concerns around affordability and vulnerability and legitimacy. Jonathan also highlighted the recently published UKRN Cost of Capital report. Jonathan’s full speech is available to read online here.

The following panels focused on balancing the differing perspectives and needs of consumers, investors, regulators and other stakeholders and how best to address future challenges facing regulation and investment in UK infrastructure.

The panels featured representatives from a wide range of different organisations bringing together a diverse range of views. Speakers included representatives from Citizens Advice, Ofwat, S&P, Campbell Lutyens, Arjun Infrastructure Partners, Brookings Institution, CAA, BT and Consumers International.  

Discussions ranged from whether there really is a trade-off between the interests of investors and consumers, the tensions between the benefits of private infrastructure investment for consumers and the low levels of public trust, the need for smarter communication regarding how UK regulations work, the challenges posed by increased digitization and climate change and the push to net zero.

The keynote speech was delivered by Julia Prescot, Commissioner at the NIC. Julia’s talk focused on regulating for the future and the NIC’s upcoming study into regulation.

The UKRN would like to thank the LTIIA, the speakers, Pinsent Masons and all attendees for making the event a success.